This is a wonderfully unique item. This is a Tour of Japan relic in 1934 where Babe Ruth, Julia Ruth (Babe's stepdaughter) Lefty Gomez, June Gomez (Lefty's wife), Earl Whitehill, and Violet Whitehill (Earl's wife) all signed a wine menu. It is dated Nov 5, 1934 in Tokyo. What makes this really unique is under Babe's signature he wrote "Love Fodder" (Love Father) as a loving joke to Julia who signed right underneath. Not only that by Lefty Gomez signed his first name as "Bunny" as a funny gesture to his wife who signed it "Mertzy" on the other side.
Full letter from JSA accompanies this unique piece.
Babe Ruth Lefty Gomez Unique Descriptions Signed 1934 Tour of Japan Wine Menu